An amazing Magic Box poem by Lily...

I will put in the box...

The largest elephant in the whole wide world,
The tip of a tongue from a UFO,
Fire from the dark depths of the Earth.

I will put in the box...

A huge frozen wave stuck in Antarctica,
A classroom with no children in it,
A sun the colour of lemon fizz.

I will put in the box...

A scale from an unknown beast,
An ancient grasshopper telling tales,
A cocoa bean coloured horse running free.

I will put in the box...

The first steam train ever,
A baby white star shining in the night,
A ten-thousand-year-old bear from Egypt.

My box is fashioned from silver, gold and wood,
With dinosaurs' bones on the lid and spiders' webs in the corners.
Its hinges are made of metal with a tint of magic.

I shall explore in my box in the African jungles,
I shall make a tiger coat and fall asleep.

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